Friday, 10 August 2012

And away we go...

Using the Random Number Generator (, I now have my 25/25 list:

23: Harrison - 25 Shades of Grey
26: Harrison - bake 25 different cakes
08: Sarah S - attempt to sneak backstage at a concert
22: Harrison - go around London and only converse with people in Urdu and hand gestures for a day. Pretend you don't speak British
10: Zanny/Rob - go to a rave
20: Laura S - learn how to drive and pass your test
09: Sarah S - make a cookbook for family and friends
19: Laura S - start a niche dating website
01: Noel/Jacob - finish the novel
06: Jacob - stage or participate in a flashmob
27: Harrison - be an honest-to-God hipster for a few days then write an article about your experience
05: Jacob/Sarah S - learn how to breakdance
32: Mum - enter a picture in the summer exhibition
16: Rachel G/Dan - mile-long outdoor swim
12: Zanny - get someone famous to sign your body
11: Zanny/Rob - go camping
31: Graham - learn one awesome but completely useless talent
18: Laura S - go to a Tory party function
07: Sarah S/Harrison - read an ambitious book
24: Harrison - recreate a fun childhood photograph
15: Rachel O/Leo/Graham/Pat - come to the US (and do the run-and-chug)
30: Graham/Mum - try 25 new foods
33: Dad - sample all the beers made in London
29: Graham - introduce two people with the goal of, and succeeding at, starting a relationship
14: Sarah B - Climb Mount Snowden

Some of these require more participants (e.g.: the flashmob), so I'll be recruiting over the coming months. There won't be much progress until after the dissertation's done (September 17th = party time), but I'll be knocking them down like it's my job. Which it might be, if I can't get a real one.


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